Announcing Important Changes

Dear Friends,

It is only June, but a lot has been happening this summer, and I am writing on behalf of the Board of the American Friends of the Mauritshuis (AFMh) to keep you informed of a few important changes.

First, there are a couple of moves within the Board that have been in the works for some time. After serving as President for the past four years, Mona Sadler is stepping down. She has achieved a great deal and we are deeply grateful to her for her graceful leadership. Mona will remain a very active member of our Board. I am sure that you will all wish to join me in thanking her for her outstanding service to our organization.

We are all delighted that Stein Berre has offered to take over as President as of June 13th. Stein is a Senior Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and is a collector of paintings and drawings of the Dutch Golden Age. He has held Board memberships at the Royal Oak Foundation and as a Trustee for the Murray Hill Historic District in NYC as well as at the AFMh.

We are also very pleased to announce that Alison Dichter will be joining us as the AFMh Administrative Director. Alison brings energy and entrepreneurship to this new role. In addition to running her own casting agency in New York City, Alison also helps support the Boards of the American Friends of the Louvre and the Royal Oak Foundation on events, membership and development. I hope you’ll all have a chance to meet her at a future event.

Our mailing address is changing, so please update your address books. Going forward, please send all correspondence to:

American Friends of the Mauritshuis
114 East 36th Street
3rd Floor
New York, NY 10016

For those of you we may have missed with the Summer appeal email, we encourage you to donate to help secure funding for an exciting new exhibition about conservation at the Mauritshuis, which will feature projects taken on by AFMh Interns. We also hope that you will help ensure the future of our AFMh-Fulbright Internship. If you plan to send a check, please use the new address. If you have already sent a donation to the old address, don’t worry, it will still get to us.

Lastly, we are working on an exciting Fall event for the AFMh in New York City. Please keep your calendars free on the evening of October 30th. I look forward to seeing you there!

All best wishes from The Hague,
