Special Viewings of Dutch and Flemish Drawings at the Cooper-Hewitt

On January 30th, the American Friends of the Mauritshuis were warmly welcomed by the Prints and Drawings Department of the Cooper-Hewitt for a tour of their rarely viewed collection of Dutch and Flemish Drawings.

Curator Julia Siemon hosted fifteen Friends through a tour of some of the highlights of the collection started by the Hewitt sisters in the 1890’s and added to through donor gifts over the past century. While the Drawings Collection is perhaps most well-known for French and Italian drawings, there are outstanding examples of Netherlandish drawings by such figures as Abraham Blomaert, Isaac de Moucheron, Bartholomeus Breenburgh, Jacob Jordaens, Marten de Vos, and Jacob Backer among others.

We plan for more special viewings of both public and private collections in the future. To be sure to be included on these invitations lists, please be sure to renew your American Friends of the Mauritshuis membership.

For those Members interested in finding out more about the Cooper-Hewitt collections, we encourage you to contact the Drue Heinz Study Center to find out more.